Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oil Spill

Well, it's been about a month since the oil rig explosion and there is still no sign of a solution to the millions of gallons of oil gushing into our oceans, killing mass amounts of ocean life. The Louisiana marshes are covered in it. A disgusting orange sludge that's killing everything in it's path. I hope it doesn't reach my beautiful California coast. The oil companies knew of the impending rig disaster, but were supposedly doing drugs and sleeping with the very people responsible for overseeing the safety of their operation. Seriously...
I mean, we all enjoy the ocean in some way, don't we? I love sushi. I love dolphins. I feel good spotting a sea lion swimming in the wake of some yacht in the Laguna Harbor. I feel selfish hoping that my little area of serenity will escape the slime, but I know there is no way everyone will make it out all right. I'm already seeing the Governor of Louisiana pulling dead pelicans out of the "blob". Yes, it's basically just like a Stephen King horror novel. Oops, my five minutes of freedom are up. My husband is done with his routine, and I'm not allowed one so back to the trenches I go. Dinner in the average American household must go on.