Monday, June 7, 2010

My Favorite Songs

I've been experimenting with playlists. Music has always been very important to me and although I'm quite sure my musical tastes aren't favored by most, I'm also quite sure most people will never see this page so it doesn't matter.
This weekend my family went to the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler. I've always wanted a child to take to the zoo, showing her how huge an elephant really is. And when she's older I can't wait to take her to a real museum, one with dinosaurs like the T-Rex, to freak her out and feed her imagination, knowing that such immense creatures walked the Earth. I always thought I'd take her to my favorite: The La Brea Tar Pits. But last time Anthony and I went there we found they had moved the dinosaurs. I was so bummed because he'd never seen it the way I had. He'd never gotten to see a reconstructed dinosaur. I think that deep in his heart my husband has always wanted the "perfect family" that I have envisioned in my heart, as well. Neither of us experienced a life in which the child came first. Our parents careers and personal needs came before our own. In that sense I feel our marriage has hope as our goals are the same. We want the best for our daughter in that respect. To give her a solid, loving soil to grow in and plant her own family tree.